Spex Speaks Science
Spex Speaks Science is hosted by scientists and industry experts. From highlighting the hidden chemistry in our everyday lives to discussing relevant industry topics, Spex Speaks Science looks to deliver informative content to the scientific community.
Presented by Spex + NSI + HPS + Chiron.
Spex Speaks Science
Back to the Bench
As businesses begin to return to operation, laboratories which may have been forced to shut down during the pandemic, are now being asked to reopen with a new level of concern for not only chemical contamination but viral contamination. During this time of heightened anxiety, it is good to know most common laboratory procedures used to keep scientists safe from chemical exposures also work well for limiting biological exposures. It is important to keep in mind all of the advice given by governmental agencies for our protection, but also develop a plan and set of resources to return to business in the office and in the laboratory.
View Back to the Bench: A Chemist's Guide to Returning to the Laboratory
Hosted by Patricia Atkins and Rebekah Biermann of Spex
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