Spex Speaks Science
Spex Speaks Science is hosted by scientists and industry experts. From highlighting the hidden chemistry in our everyday lives to discussing relevant industry topics, Spex Speaks Science looks to deliver informative content to the scientific community.
Presented by Spex + NSI + HPS + Chiron.
Spex Speaks Science
Heavy Metals in Food and Beverages
On a daily basis, the average person around the world is subjected to doses of heavy metals from a variety of sources. One of the most insidious sources of routes of exposure is through the food supply. The World Health Organization contends that food may be the source of the largest contribution to the intake of heavy metals (especially lead). Many foods may naturally contain heavy metal compounds, from either natural biochemical processes or from bio accumulation from the environment.
In this podcast, we will look at different sources of potential heavy metal exposure and their concentrations in a variety of food products including fish, and beverages. In addition to the original research presented, we will compare other historical studies and public health findings to showcase the sources and concentrations of various heavy metals found in the food and water supply in order to build a more complete picture of heavy metal exposure through food and beverages.
Hosted by Patricia Atkins, Spex's Senior Applications Scientist
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