Spex Speaks Science
Spex Speaks Science is hosted by scientists and industry experts. From highlighting the hidden chemistry in our everyday lives to discussing relevant industry topics, Spex Speaks Science looks to deliver informative content to the scientific community.
Presented by Spex + NSI + HPS + Chiron.
Spex Speaks Science
Foodborne Illness
Millions of people around the world are stricken with food or waterborne illnesses each year. Thousands of people will succumb to their illnesses. Food safety and testing are a critical part of analytical research to ensure that chemicals, bacteria, viruses and molds do not endanger the food we consume or the water we drink.
In this podcast, we will look at the sources of foodborne illness and some of the most common or dangerous causes for foodborne illness.
Hosted by Patricia Atkins, Spex's Senior Applications Scientist
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